Description We understand the tremendous burden you carry when dealing with a legal issue in the greater Nashville area. It can disrupt your family, career, financial stability, and day-to-day life. With all the complexities of the legal system, resolving a legal problem can be an incredibly confusing and frustrating process.

That’s why it’s important to have an experienced professional on your side when you’re facing legal trouble. You need a lawyer who understands your situation and concerns. You want an attorney who will explain your options in language you can understand and go the extra mile to get you results.

You get all those things at Raybin & Weissman, P.C.
Address 424 Church Street, Suite 2120
United States of America
Phone number 615-256-6666
Fax number 615-254-4254
Practice areas Criminal Law, Personal Injury
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Added 05:21:2019

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Latitude: 36.163579
Longitude: -86.780042

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