Description Nolan & Auerbach, P.A. is a nationwide & premiere law firm, practicing in the areas of IRS whistleblowing, tax fraud & tax underpayment.

Nolan & Auerbach, P.A. has an arsenal of former IRS Special Agents and Department of Justice lawyers, knowledge of tax and whistleblower laws, the analytical skills to apply them, and intuitive judgment that only a great deal of experience can bring.

If you are an insider of a public or large privately held company that is underpaying its income tax, please feel free to contact us.
Address 435 North Andrews Ave Suite 401
Ft Lauderdale
United States of America
Phone number (800) FRAUD-04
Practice areas Taxation Law
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Listing views 209 listing views.
Added 03:15:2011

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Latitude: 26.127351
Longitude: -80.143983

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